Saturday, 20 June 2009

Our Childrens Gorilla Faces Sticky tape

We can hardly wait for our delivery of this sticky tape with eyes, noses, moustaches and mouths on it by 'Our Childrens Gorilla' buy it here

Cartoon Particles

The inner Behaviour of german Designer Markus Hofko who has dissected some famous cartoon characters click here to find out who they are

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Jas Bhachu: Rubik's Cube Font Generator

Love the simplicity of Liverpool school of art student Jas Bhachu's rubik's cube font generator,see here and here for more info via Designboom.
The brief that asked students to produce a visual representation of the word 'move'. The design uses a standard rubik's cube with stamps on four of its sides so that users can make
their own typeface.